Monday, May 9, 2011

Day One.

"Always room for improvement" as someone I loved once said to me.

Today I am 141 pounds, 5 feet, eight inches tall.
My waist is 29 inches, and my bust is almost 38.
My jeans/dress size is 5/6 and
my shirts are pushing medium.

By the end of this summer, I want to be 125 pounds, 5 feet, nine inches tall.
I want my waist to be 26 inches, and my bust to be 33.
I want my dress size to be a 3/4 and
for mediums to fit my torso loosely.

I want to be little so people will pick me up and dance with me. I think I'm too big for that right now - DON'T ARGUE WITH ME! Dancers have to be significantly lighter than I am right now, and I'm willing to do anything short of anorexia to get the body that I require. So I'm gonna walk, run, bike, swim, dance, crunch, pushup, stretch, lift, climb, and sweat my way to perfection. I want this for myself, and I'm ready to work for something I have control over and can feel good about. I feel like I don't have much control in my life, and I want to feel good about a change I can make. I want the satisfaction of being accomplished and beautiful.

Here's the plan:

Diet -
I'm a pescetarian (veg who eats fishies) right now, but I'm going to go truly vegetarian. I am going to drink only water (I usually drink milk, but man does it have a lot of sugar!) and I plan to eat a fruit around eight am, a salad around three pm and a small portion of whatever is for dinner everyday. When I feel I can skip meals, I will. I'm cutting down from (my guess) of 90 or so grams of sugar per day to about 50. Anything exceeding 8 grams per serving is out. I honestly don't think eating is my problem, but I could sure eat better than I do now.

I love sleeping. Really really love to sleep, but I can sacrifice a few hours for exercise. I am gonna start my day with crunches (at least two sets of fifty, with increase) and stretching, before I shower. After school (til it's out) I'm going to either bike for and hour, or go for a 2 mile run. Before bed, I'm going to do more crunches (same) as well as push-ups (at least two sets of twenty) and stretching. On weekends, I'm gonna do one vigorous activity in addition to what I already listed (a game of frisbee, football, nerf, swimming, etc).

Each week (On Mondays after my shower) I am gonna weigh and measure myself. I'll post the results, and my progress, and my general comments on this each week as well. Yell at me if I don't! I'll also try to post a weekly picture.

I'd also love to have help. I don't wanna hear your comments on my methods, but I'd love to have people to exercise with, cook with, and cheer for me haha. I promise, I'm not doing anything unsafe. I'm monitoring my health closely, taking my vitamins etc. If bad stuff starts to happen, I'll stop. The hardest part will be establishing a routine. I need to do this right for a solid two weeks to make it habitual. I have 115 days starting today, May 9, 2011 until September 1, 2011. That's almost four months. Wish me luck!